Golden Eagle with Electric Start XL

Golden Eagle with Electric Start  XL

  • Thermal fogger
  • Aluminum tanks for gas and fogging solution
  • Coverage: 1,500 square feet
  • Maximun delivery:  9.6 Gallons/ hour (20.4 ounces/minute)
  • Takes only 1 minute to start engine and begin fogging​

The Golden Eagle Electric Start XL easily, effectively and economically dispenses oil based insecticides, fungicides, germicides, disinfectants, odor control and other chemical products.

The Golden Eagle features a revolutionary new electric starting system to assure greater reliability, effectiveness, fuel efficiency and ease of operation eliminating the need for manual starting.

For use in warehouses, factories, food processing plants, greenhouses, parks, campgrounds cattle barns, swine/poultry houses, grain mills shopping centers, schools, restaurants, apartment complexes, hotels and much more. 

Data Sheet $1,780 w/ Free Shipping Curtis Dyna-Fog Gallery
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