Insect Growth Regulators (IGR's)

Insect Growth Regulators in Louisiana

insect growth regulators

IGR  Q & A

Q  What is Diacon IGR?          
A  Diacon IGR is an insect growth regulator (IGR) registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the control of insect larvae in stored grains and other agricultural commodities.

Q What is an insect growth regulator (IGR)?
A Insect growth regulators are active ingredients that disrupt the insect’s life cycle by interrupting larval development as opposed to affecting the nervous system through direct toxicity.

Q What is the active ingredient in Diacon IGR?
A The active ingredient in Diacon IGR formulations is the IGR (S)-methoprene.

Q What is Diacon IGR PLUS?

A Diacon® IGR PLUS is a new emulsifiable concentrate insecticide that contains both an insect growth regulator and an adulticide. It is registered by the Environmental Protection Agency for the control of insect larvae and adults in stored grains and other agricultural commodities.

Q What are the active ingredients in Diacon IGR PLUS?
A The active ingredients in Diacon IGR PLUS formulations are the IGR (S)-methoprene and the adulticide deltamethrin.

Q What is the difference between Diacon IGR and Diacon IGR PLUS?
A Diacon IGR contains only an insect growth regulator and can be used as a preventative measure. Diacon® IGR PLUS is a combination of an insect growth regulator and an adulticide and can be used as a preventative measure and when insects are present.

Q What is Centynal EC Insecticide?
A Centynal EC Insecticide, formerly Centynal Insecticide, is an emulsifiable concentrate formula that provides effective knockdown and control of listed adults and
accessible stages of larvae, and prevents the buildup of listed pests.

Q What is the active ingredient in Centynal EC Insecticide?
A The active ingredient in Centynal EC Insecticide is deltamethrin.

Q What is the rate of application for a tank mix of Diacon IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide for wheat? (For other commodities, please reference Centynal EC Insecticide label; Diacon IGR rate commonly used is 4.0 oz per 1,000 bushels.)

A The tank-mix rate per 1,000 bushels of wheat is 4.0 oz of Diacon IGR and 9.6 oz of Centynal EC Insecticide in 5 gallons of water. Refer to the product labels for the complete application details.

Q What is the rate of application for Centynal EC Insecticide?
A Dilute Centynal EC Insecticide with water or approved dust controlling oils, mineral or soybean oils and apply to the moving grain stream as a coarse spray to provide a concentration of 0.5 ppm - 1 ppm of Centynal EC Insecticide on the grain. For applications with water, use 3 - 5 gallons of liquid per 1,000 bushels of grain. Use more or less dilution volume depending on the situation but ensure that uniform coverage is obtained.

Q What is the rate of application for Diacon® IGR PLUS?
A Apply Diacon IGR PLUS to the moving grain stream as a coarse spray to provide a concentration of 0.5 ppm - 1 ppm of deltamethrin and 1.25 ppm or 2.5 ppm of (S)-methoprene on the grain. Final spray volume with water solutions is 3 - 5 gallons of liquid per 1,000 bushels of grain. For rough rice, use 10 gallons of water per 1,000 bushels. For more information, consult the product label.

Q How long will grain be protected at these application rates?
A While residual action can vary with conditions and application rates, Centynal EC Insecticide would be expected to last 3-6 months and Diacon IGR and Diacon IGR PLUS can last over a year at the higher application rates.

Q Can grain treated with a tank mix of Diacon IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide or Diacon IGR PLUS be used with bin aeration?
A Yes, aeration will not interfere with the efficacy of a Diacon IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide tank-mix treatment or Diacon IGR PLUS treatment.

Q I am concerned that the weevils in my area are resistant to pyrethroid chemistry. How can I protect the grain?
A Use either a tank-mix of Diacon IGR PLUS and PBO-8 Synergist or a tank-mix of Diacon IGR, Centynal EC Insecticide and PBO-8 Synergist on incoming grain if pyrethroid resistance is suspected in the weevil population.

Q What is PBO-8 Synergist?
A PBO-8 Synergist is a performance enhancer which, when tank-mixed with Centynal™ EC Insecticide, inhibits an insect’s ability to break down the insecticide. This boosts the efficacy of the insecticide, helping to overcome any resistance the insects may have developed.

Q What is the active ingredient in PBO-8 Synergist?
A The active ingredient in PBO-8 Synergist is piperonyl butoxide. This compound has a favorable toxicological profile with low risk to humans and the environment.

Q I have bugs in my grain, what do I do?

A If the infested grain is already in storage, fumigate with an EPA registered fumigant to eliminate the infestation. Following fumigation, if possible, turn the grain and treat with Diacon IGR PLUS or a tank-mix combination of Diacon IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide. The best way to prevent infestation is to treat the commodity in the grain stream as it is being placed into the storage facility.

Q What about empty bin treatments?
A Clean bins thoroughly and apply a spot or crack-and-crevice treatment of Diacon IGR PLUS or a tank mix of Diacon IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide.

Q When should I apply a tank mix to grain?
A For long-term protection, add Diacon IGR PLUS or a tank mix of Diacon IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide to the grain as it moves into storage.

Q Can I treat the top or bottom of a grain mass, or just the bin walls, and get good results?
A For the best results, treat in the grain stream as well as the empty bin. By not treating the entire mass, there is a possibility of infestation in the untreated areas of the grain mass.

Q How soon after treating with Diacon IGR PLUS or a tank mix of Diacon IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide can the grain be used for feed, milling, etc.?
A Grain can be used immediately after treatment with Diacon IGR PLUS or a tank mix of Diacon IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide.

Q What limitations are there regarding where grain can be shipped or used after being treated with Diacon IGR PLUS or a tank mix of Diacon IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide?
A For domestic use, there are no exceptions where grain can be shipped or processed when treated as long as the applications were made according to the label. When tank mixing, the more stringent label must be followed.

Q What about limitations for export?
A For export of treated grains, CODEX tolerances and/or country tolerances must be followed. Refer to the specific country of import to determine acceptable tolerances for both (S)-methoprene and deltamethrin prior to treating the commodity.

Q What is the cost of a tank mix of Diacon IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide?
A For a cost of 4.5 cents per bushel, you can get one of the best tank mixes in the market for fighting stored product insect infestations.

Q What is the cost of Diacon IGR PLUS?
A For a cost of 5 - 7 cents per bushel, you can get insect control from larva to adult in one product.

Why are Entech Systems Insect Growth Regulators so popular?

Entech Systems Insect Growth Regulators have gained popularity because of their exceptional effectiveness in controlling pests. Unlike many other Insect Growth Regulators , Entech Systems Insect Growth Regulators offer a unique formula that targets a broad range of insects while minimizing harm to non-target species. This versatility makes their Insect Growth Regulators a go-to choice for both residential and commercial applications. Additionally, Entech Systems Insect Growth Regulators are renowned for their long-lasting effects, reducing the need for frequent reapplication, which adds to their appeal. As a result, many prefer Entech Systems  Insect Growth Regulators for their reliable and efficient pest control solutions.

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